Affiliated Cognate Societies
In an effort to diversity and enhance the PSA Biennial Meetings, in 2014, the PSA began inviting cognate societies that focus on specific topics within the field to submit sessions for consideration for inclusion as part of the Cognate Society Sessions at PSA Biennial Meetings. Affiliated Cognate Societies are listed below. (Note that the PSA does not currently consider regional philosophy of science associations for inclusion as Affiliated Cognate Societies. However, the PSA does maintain a list of professional societies of interest to our members.) Affiliated Cognate Societies must be approved by the Governing Board of the PSA.
Integrated History and Philosophy of Science
Feminist Epistemologies, Methodologies, Metaphysics, and Science Studies
The International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science
The International History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching Group
The International Network for Economic Method
International Philosophy of Medicine Roundtable
The International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology
The International Society for the Philosophy of Chemistry
Minorities and Philosophy
International Association for the Philosophy of Mathematics
Philosophy of Social Science Roundtable
- The Society for the Metaphysics of Science
The Society for the Metaphysics of Science
Society for Philosophy and Psychology
The Society for Philosophy of Science in Practice
The Society for Philosophy and Technology
The Consortium for Socially Relevant Philosophy of/in Science and Engineering